My name is Igor Zhirkov, you may encounter me in Nantes, Warsaw, or St.Petersburg.
Keywords: PhD student, Computer Science, programmer, musician, writer.
I am interested in maths, programming, programming languages, automated theorem proving, and system design. I have written a book about low-level programming for my students; this is a slightly outdated version of the class I was teaching in ITMO university in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Currently I am pursuing my PhD on verified C refactorings.
As for music, I am an amateur pianist. My preferences are baroque and late-romantic music, progressive rock, jazz fusion, and various types of electronic music.
Feel free to drop me a line by mail or in telegram. English, french, german and russian are accepted.
This blog is named after my friend Mr. Duck. He is a snobbish, intellectual, and slightly misanthropic.

I am migrating this site from jekyll to org-mode because of stability reasons. Not all posts are yet moved.